jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Oda a Pablo Neruda

Aqui en Italia se ven las estrellas que se refejan sobre el mar,
aqui en la casa de mi buen amigo Pablo Neruda hay una vista unica,
pero ahora lo que veo es el triste barco de Pablo alejandose hacia chile,
los dias con Pablo nunca se olvidan y pronto espero para volver a verlo,
cartas y cartas las que yo le llevaba,
favores y favores los que el me hacia,
Pablito Pablito es mi hijo Pablo Pablo es mi amigo al que pronto volvere a ver.

Journey to techonos

Setting: They are inside a pendrive. There are many pieces of metallic stuff and cables. Supreme Technocrat and his byts are looking for willie and his friends and the floor is full of bodies and blood. The guys are hiding bihind some pieces of metal.

Ginny: (Pointing at the dead people) Look at those bodies!!!

Supreme Technocrat: (Shouting Angrily) I will kill you all!!! I will find you!!!(Supreme Technocrat finds them. The boys start running when they are running they fall because of the blood.

All: Ahhhhh!

Willie: Holy cow! (They are traped in a corner and technocrat will kill them).

All: Ahhhhh. (Technocrat holds a mine)

Technocrat: Now you will pay for what you have done!!! (Technocrat eletrocutade them and they die.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

My first essay

Hello my name is Tomy and today I will talk about the rival of books and ebooks.

Well first of all I am favor of ebooks,why because ebooks you don't have to buy it and they don't occupy space in your library,there free but on the other hand the mobil that you use to read it can finish the battery but on fortune you can have a lot of ebooks in one Mobil and you don't have go to a library to buy it you can do it free in your house.But going to books they don't need battery like the mobil, and the going to finance when you finish reading you can send it or lend it.but on the bad things of books they aren't ecological.

Well on conclusion ebooks are best option because are free,don't occupy space and are ecologically.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


La ultima hora mas larga que una guerra,
todos dormidos ninguno despierto,
la profesora aburrida da tarea ocho pizarrónes te hace copiar,
los últimos 45 minutos los mas largos del dia,
suena el timbre todos se escapan corriendo en 5 minutos todo queda vacio.


En el dia de ayer 1/10/15 trabajamos ángulos: adyacentes , la suma de los ángulos interiores de poligonos. A continuación adjuntamos la explicación de la profesora de distintos ejercicios.

Hoy 2/10/15 trabajamos con un trabajo práctico del mismo tema de ingles.