martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017


En la clase de Lengua estamos trabajando con la poseia vanguardia. La poesia vanguardia es un tipo de poesia muy diferent  a las normales debido a que esta en vez de rimas usa versos. Tambien se escribe en caligramas.

Hicimos varios de poemas vanguardistas este es invidual.
(Arbol verde claro y oscuro con hojas en primavera y sin hojas en invierno)

El segundo habia que combinarlo con el de un compañero y formar uno solo

Despues hicimos uno nuevo de a 4, que no tenia que tener sentido y nedoglismo.

La oscuridad es como un iluminador 
que tómo cuando un homosapiens
¿como vas a hacer eso?
lo que sé es que no iluminas 
es como la casa blancada
da blanca, que caza bambis por la mañana
y se los lleva pa' casa
justo donde mi tía se casa.
Mtía se casa con Revolvi
y los productores de Gucci
flameando como Gucci

y en el ultimo hicimos un cadaver de a 7. es cuando cada uno escribe un verso y depues los combinan.
El tema del nuestro fue la muerte

La muerte conlleva una gran responsabilidad
La muerte es el comienzo a la nueva vida
La oscuridad que aparece cuando se apaga la luz
Llega sin avisar
Las cosas que mueren jamás resucitan,
La muerte es tan libre como la estatua de la libertad
Me quiero morir
Ella estaba a punto de dispararse
Nos hace vivir la realidad
No hay nada tan fuerte como la muerte
El frío que se siente cuando desaparece el calor
Tiene el punto medio entre miedo y respeto
Las cosas que mueren no tornan jamás.
13 reasons why
Hoy me voy a inmolar
¿Que tan sabia es la muerte?
Te hace creer lo imposible
La muerte espera hasta el final
La muerte viene a buscarnos cuando menos lo esperamos
La muerte es el último que amigo que vemos
Se quiebran los vasos y el vidrio que queda
La oscuridad abre paso al final
Cierro los ojos y no se abren
La hora llegó, ya me fui

lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017


En la clase de biologia estuvimos viendo los huesos y fuimos al laboratorio del colegio y abrimos un femur de forma vertical y los estudiamos por adentro y hicimos esta presentacion.

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Our Play

In the class Drama, we were asked to prepare a short  movie as a quarterly. We decided to perform as movie characters we have as characters: Mickey, Donald, Shrek, Burro, Pinochio, Jaq, Cinderela, Igor, Witch. We decided to make a musical theatre combinated with theatre in education. Theatre in Education is used to encourage effective learning in schools. It's used by creating something that transmits a message to the audience. Musical theatre music appears all along the play, singning and dancing. Drama element in musical theatre it give at much importance to the song and music.

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Mi Charla

Bueno, la charla Ted me ayudo bastante a ser mas seguro a la hora de hablar en publico. Tambien me ayudo a salir un poco del ambito escolar y aque mi charla se trato de algo que ami me interesaba y no de un tema que me obligaran.

Aprendiendo sobre Ted

Ir  las charlas Ted de Rio De La Plats me sirvio para enteder un poco mas el sistema de la charla y de ahi poder armar una charla con una estructura parecida a las que vimos pero diferente tema.

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

What Turns Crazy?

Have you ever felt angry? I felt it many times, although sometimes by stupid reasons. 
What things make you feel like this?

In my case what annoys me are the school subjects,
I'm eight hours in the school. Besides when I arrive home 
I have to do homework apart from studying for exams
for eighteen subjects! that turns me crazy.

Think this, it's friday tou have plans for the weekend with your firends, however what happens? 
the teachers has given you homework, to study, etc. Therefore you have to cancel yours plans stay 
at home studying, for me that is the most irritable thing.

In addition there are more things that turns me crazy: injustice, thieves, that my parents don't believe me, etc. 
In conclusion I think that the things that have to turns us crazy, have to be things that can have a bad impact in our lifes and not stupid things.

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

Games at Twilight

In the Literature class we read the story "Games at Twilight" by the Indian writer Anita Dessai.  For the quarterly we were ask to made a storyboard using the the most relevant quotations for explainig the story. We used the website Storyboardthat for do this assigment.

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017


En Practicas de Lenguaje estamos leyendo "Fahrenheit 451" de Ray Bradbury. Con lo  que leimos hasta ahora la profesora nos pidio que hagamos como una cartelera de cine que tenga la descripsion de un personaje.

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

À l' Eglise

Dans la classe la proffeseur demandè un audio expliquant comme aller à l' Eglise San Gabriel.

domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

The life of Walker

 In the language class with Andrea we had to produce a storyboard or a description. We had to choose one character of 13 thInheirteen reasons why, with a mate. In my case I choosed with Mate Guaglianone "Bryce Walker" because for us was a character that was principal and appeared very often in the series 13 reasons why. Here I leave you my work with Matel Guaglianone enjoy it:
Bryce has short Brown hair and slightly rosy cheeks. He has a boyish look to him and is often seen wearing either a white shirt, a blue jumper or a blue flannel shirt.
Bryce walker was a main character in 13 reasons why. He was portrayed by Justin Prentice. Bryce was currently a senior at liberty high school. Bryce was the only person on the tapes who had not heard them, due to clay passing him over to give them Mr. Porter. Out of all the 13 people´s crimes on the tape, Bryce´s was considered the most serious, as the tapes show his complicity in two rapes. One to Hannah Baker and the other to Jessica Davis. Tyler even pointed this out to the others when suggesting to use Bryce as a spacegoat. Bryce´s family was very affluent, as shown by his large house with a big pool and pool house in the backyard, where Justin strayed in Episode 2. He was the captain of the basket team.}

Resultado de imagen para bryce walker 13 reasons why gift

Resultado de imagen para bryce walker 13 reasons why gift

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Mon présentation

En classe de français nous avons dû faire une vidéo notre présentation personnelle, ceci est à moi.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017


In the class of Language we are seeing the serie "13 Reasons Why" so the teacher said to us to do a diary entry. Also we have to chose one of the characters and write the diary as we were him or her. I select Clay.

Charasteristics of the diary

                            Wednesday, may 10, 2017
Dear diary

Today I recieved thirteen recordings  from Hannah. I don't know who sent them to me, while I was listening to them I remembered al that we done together and it is very difficult for me to listen to her voice. Also, Tony said to me "hurry up Clay" why did he say that? I don't  even know how I'm going to listen to them, I can't listen to them! Only listening to her name turns my dat into a very depressive day a remember all what we do. Of course the recordings talk about one person and other recordings about, the recordings talks about what people did to Hannah. I want to know what I did to Hannah. Why I am in these tapes.

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017


In history the teacher said to us to do a mindmap of Hitler, since his born until The Munich Putcsh.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017


El Platino, es un elemento químico que está en la naturaleza y que cumple diversas funciones. por ejemplo, lo usamos para fabricar instrumentos quirúrgicos. A continuación comparto una presentación que da más información.

Musical Theatre

In drama we are studying different genres, styles and practitioners. Some of then are: Elizabethan theatre, Epic theatre, Musical theatre, Naturalism and Theatre in education. My gruop gave the presentation on Musical theatre.

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

El magnesio

En la clase de Fisico-química la profesora nos asigno un elemento de la tabla periodica y teniamos que hacer una presentacion con el elemento asiganado.

sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Lugares Geométricos

En la clase de matemática hicimos unos problemas geométricos en la carpeta. Después de corregirlos los pasamos a el programa "GeoGebra", acá están los problemas.

Punto 1
En el punto uno teníamos que averiguar donde podíamos ubicar el punto C para que ABC formen un triángulo.

Punto 2 

Teniamos que hacer que ABC sea un triangulo equilatero

Punto 3

ABC tenian que ser un triangulo rectangulo:

a) Angulo recto en A

b) Angulo recto en b

c) Angulo recto en C

Punto 4

En este punto ABC tenienen que ser isóceles

a) El segmento AB=AC

b) El segmento AB=BC

c) El segmento BA=BC

Punto 5

Sabiendo que el segmento AB=7cm, aca nos pedian que el área del triangulo ABC sea 14cm2

Punto 6
En este punto descubrimos una nueva figura llamada ELIPSE:
Es un conjunto de puntos guya suma de distancias a dos focos es constante.
En este punto sabiendo que el segemento AB era de 7cm, nos pedian que el perimetro de triangulo sea de 19cm.

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


In the Languaje class, our teacher Andrea told us to look for an image and with that image, create an interview. Then, asked as to look for a sign with the same topic and describe it.

This is the interview we made. We hope that you like it:

—Hello, good morning!

—Hello, I'm Robert.

—Do you have any experience in this type of job?

—Well this is the work i wanted for all my daily life. I think that i am prepared!

—What university did you go to?

—I went to Oxford University.

—Oh, that's a very good university. We have been checking your expedient and you have very good marks. So we decided to accept you. Do you have any questions?

—Only one: When do I start?

This sing represents that any way that he/she, takes it will be good for life and for aything. Also, it shows the emotions of working alone and as a team.

Created by Axel Carderi, Tomás Lajnis and Agustina Arostegui.